Sql Editor 3 6 2010

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Online SQL Editor Run your SQL code using myCompiler's online IDE. Fiddle with your code snippets easily and run them. Start writing code instantly without having to download or install anything. SQL is a standard language for storing, manipulating and retrieving data in databases. Our SQL tutorial will teach you how to use SQL in: MySQL, SQL Server, MS Access, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, Postgres, and other database systems. DB Browser for SQLite (DB4S) is a high quality, visual, open source tool to create, design, and edit database files compatible with SQLite. DB4S is for users and developers who want to create, search, and edit databases. DB4S uses a familiar spreadsheet-like interface, and complicated SQL commands do not have to be learned.

  1. Sql Editor 3 6 2010 Vs
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RazorSQL is an SQL query tool, database browser, SQL editor, and database administration tool for Windows, macOS, Mac OS X, Linux, and Solaris.

RazorSQL has been tested on over 40 databases, can connect to databases via eitherJDBC or ODBC,and includes supportfor the following databases:

The SQL editor is a graphical Java program that allows you to connect to JDBC compliant databases. Some new enhancements for its latest release include using RText as the default editor instead of the classic Netbeans editor, a new plugin for the Netezza database. A universal database management tool for a heterogeneous environment.

AthenaGreenplumMicrosoft AccessSimpleDB
CassandraHiveMS SQL ServerSQLite
CouchbaseHSQLDBMySQLSQL Anywhere
DB2InformixNetezzaSQL Azure
DBASEIngresOpenBaseSybase (ASE)
DerbyInterbaseOracleSybase IQ
DruidInt.Sys. CacheParadoxTeradata
Filemaker kdb+PostgreSQLVoltDB
Database BrowserSQL Editor
Browse database objects such as schemas, tables, columns, primary and foreign keys, views, indexes, procedures,functions, and more.Edit SQL scripts. Run SQL queries. Auto column and auto table lookup. Uses the powerfulEditRocket code editor that supportsover 20 programming languages including SQL, PL/SQL, TransactSQL, SQL PL, HTML, Java, XML, and more.
Database ToolsDatabase Query Tool
Visual tools to create, alter, describe, execute, and drop database objects such as tables, views,indexes, stored procedures,functions, triggers, and more.Includes multi-tabular display of queries with options for filtering, sorting, searching, and much more.
Import DataExport Data
Import data from various formats such as delimited files, Excel spreadsheets, and fixed-width files.Export data in various formats such as delimited files, XML, HTML, Excel spreadsheets, JSON, and SQL insert statements.
SQL Query BuilderBuilt-in Database
Create select, insert, update, and delete SQL statements. Create multi-table joins.Includes a robust relational database (HSQLDB) that is up and running with no manual configurationout of the box.
Edit Table ToolData Compare
Insert, update, and delete table data in a spreadsheet like format. Find and replace data, previewgenerated SQL, and more.Compare table data across databases, or compare the results of queries.

Additional Information

RazorSQL is a software application that provides both easy to use visual tools and advanced features to allowusers to do database browsing, editing, management, administration, and programming.Browse the database specific features or the complete feature reference.


  • A Database Navigator for browsing database objects.
  • An SQL Editor for creating SQL queries.
  • Visual tools for creating, editing, dropping, describing, altering, and viewing tables, views, indexes, and sequences
  • Visual Tools for creating, editing, dropping, and executing stored procedures, functions, and triggers
  • A robust programming editor that embeds the powerfulEditRocket code editor that supports 20 programming languages including SQL, PL/SQL, TransactSQL, SQL PL, HTML, XML, and more.
  • Export Tool - Export data in various formats
  • Import Tool - Import data from delimited files, Excel files, or fixed width files into tables
  • Ships with a built-in relational database engine (HSQLDB) that is up and runningout of the box and requires no end-user administration
  • A Generate DDL Tool for generating table, view,and index DDL.
  • Table / SQL Query Compare tool for comparing tables or queries across multiple connections
  • Database Data Search tool for searching single or multiple database table and view data.
  • Database Object Search tool for searching for database objects.
  • Backup tools such as the Database Backup Tool and Table Backup Tool
  • Database conversion tools for many popular databases such as MySQL, Oracle, DB2, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MS SQL Server, and MS Access.
  • Auto column and auto table lookup
  • SQL Query builder tool
  • SQL Query Scheduler tool
  • PHP Bridges for connecting to MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server databases remotely via PHP enabled web servers
  • An ASP bridge for connectingto MS SQL Server databases remotely via ASP enabled web servers
  • SQL GUI Tools for generating SQL for various operations
  • Edit, delete, and insert database data with the Database Editor
  • Works with all major operating systems including Windows, macOS, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris, and any other Java enabled OS
  • Tested with Apache Cassandra, Apache Derby / JavaDB, Apache Hive, Daffodil DB, DB2, DBASE, Druid, DynamoDB, Firebird, FrontBase, H2, HSQLDB / HyperSQL, Informix, Ingres, Interbase, Mckoi, Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, Mimer SQL, MongoDB, MySQL, Netezza, OpenBase, Oracle, Pervasive, Pointbase, PostgreSQL, Redshift, Salesforce, SimpleDB, Solid, SQLite, Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise, Sybase SQL Anywhere, Teradata, and VoltDB

By: Arshad Ali | Updated: 2010-12-16 | Comments (4) | Related: More >Testing


As a database developer you always want to ensure stored procedures, UDFs (User Defined Function) and triggers perform as expected. And more importantly you want to ensure that a change in an existing SP, UDF or trigger does not break the functionality. That is to say, you want to have smooth and fast regression testing for your database code. How would you do that, how would you write database Unit Test Cases (UTC)? In this tip we cover how you can do this in Visual Studio.


Database unit testing is used for feature testing of your individual modules (stored procedures, triggers or user defined functions) that is to say your module performs as expected. Apart from that, it is also used to ensure that subsequent changes to the module does not break any functionality.

At first glace, it looks like this would add overhead to create vs. doing adhoc testing, but Visual Studio lets you automatically generate T-SQL code stubs to test the database object which you can customize as per your need.

Visual Studio provides Database Unit Test Designer which you can write/define T-SQL scripts (also insert SQL assertion in this code) that calls your module and then evaluates the execution result against the different test conditions which indicates your modules execution success or failure.

Note: In this demonstration I am going to show how you can create Database Unit Test cases in Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate edition although you can do the same with Visual Studio 2005/2008 Database edition too.

Sql Editor 3 6 2010 Vs

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Open the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IDE (Integrated Development Studio) and select the Test Project template under Test Projects->Test Documents page as shown below. Specify the name of your unit testing project and location where you want to create the project, finally click on the OK button to create the project:

In Solution Explorer you can see the created project with a default unit test created, delete this unit test (because this is not a database unit test), right click on the project, go to Add and select 'New Test..' as shown below:

In the Add New Test dialog box, select the Database Unit Test template and specify the name of the database unit test which you are creating:

When you click on the OK button (for the first time) in the above screen, a new dialog box will appear as shown below. Here you need to specify the database connection string which will be used as the target to execute the created database unit test cases. Lightwave 3d 2018 0 3 – 3d animation software freeware. You can also specify to deploy the database project to your target database if one exists in your current solution and you can specify to generate test data for your database too.

With each database unit test case generated, you might have Pre-test and Post-test cases included to ensure the environment is setup before actual test execution (Pre-test) and its cleaned up after the execution (Post-test).

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For example before executing a test case for a stored procedure I want to ensure it exists or raise an exception as you can see below:

There are two ways to ensure successful execution of your test, first using the T-SQL assertion in your test case itself or second using one or more of the available test conditions as shown below:

For example in my case, I am calling uspGetEmployeeManagers stored procedure and passing employee id 143. I know this should return 4 records, if not then the test case should fail, this is what I have done below. I have used the RowCount test condition and specified 4 in the Properties window for total row count:

Now that we have created our first database unit test case, we need to execute it. There are different ways to execute the test cases, I frequently use the Test List Editor. To launch the Test List Editor, go to Test -> Windows -> Test List Editor as shown below:

Test List Editor allows you to group the test cases as per your need in different lists and those lists are shown on the left side. On the right side you can view the test cases which you created, choose as many of them as you want to execute and click on the 'Run Checked Tests' icon from the tool bar above:

A new window called 'Test Results window' will be opened to show the results of the test cases execution. During execution the status would be pending and after execution it will show the success or failure result. If you have Inconclusive results it means you have not edited your test case and you need to that. Double click on the failure message to see the details of the failure. You can see below my test case failed because it was expecting 4 records to be returned, but it returned 3 records:

Now let's go to SSMS and execute the same query and see the result. Here you can see that it returned 3 records only and this is how you align your test cases with code written and vice versa and grab the cribbed in errors in your code.

Note: When you add a database unit test case you will notice one Inconclusive test condition is automatically added by default, this is to remind you to add a T-SQL script with SQL asserts or to add other test conditions.

This was a simple test to show you how you can get started with this. Take the time to build some test cases for your SQL Server code.

Next Steps
  • Review SQL Data Comparison with Visual Studio 2010
  • Review SQL Schema Comparison with Visual Studio 2010
  • Review Overview of Database Unit Testing
  • Review my previous tips.
Sql editor 3 6 2010 key

For example before executing a test case for a stored procedure I want to ensure it exists or raise an exception as you can see below:

There are two ways to ensure successful execution of your test, first using the T-SQL assertion in your test case itself or second using one or more of the available test conditions as shown below:

For example in my case, I am calling uspGetEmployeeManagers stored procedure and passing employee id 143. I know this should return 4 records, if not then the test case should fail, this is what I have done below. I have used the RowCount test condition and specified 4 in the Properties window for total row count:

Now that we have created our first database unit test case, we need to execute it. There are different ways to execute the test cases, I frequently use the Test List Editor. To launch the Test List Editor, go to Test -> Windows -> Test List Editor as shown below:

Test List Editor allows you to group the test cases as per your need in different lists and those lists are shown on the left side. On the right side you can view the test cases which you created, choose as many of them as you want to execute and click on the 'Run Checked Tests' icon from the tool bar above:

A new window called 'Test Results window' will be opened to show the results of the test cases execution. During execution the status would be pending and after execution it will show the success or failure result. If you have Inconclusive results it means you have not edited your test case and you need to that. Double click on the failure message to see the details of the failure. You can see below my test case failed because it was expecting 4 records to be returned, but it returned 3 records:

Now let's go to SSMS and execute the same query and see the result. Here you can see that it returned 3 records only and this is how you align your test cases with code written and vice versa and grab the cribbed in errors in your code.

Note: When you add a database unit test case you will notice one Inconclusive test condition is automatically added by default, this is to remind you to add a T-SQL script with SQL asserts or to add other test conditions.

This was a simple test to show you how you can get started with this. Take the time to build some test cases for your SQL Server code.

Next Steps
  • Review SQL Data Comparison with Visual Studio 2010
  • Review SQL Schema Comparison with Visual Studio 2010
  • Review Overview of Database Unit Testing
  • Review my previous tips.

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Clearing Cache for SQL Server Performance Testing
Create delays in SQL Server processes to mimic user input
Populating a SQL Server Test Database with Random Data
Generating SQL Server Test Data with Visual Studio 2010
Attach Sample Database - Adventureworks in SQL Server 2012
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Generate Random Strings with High Performance with a SQL CLR function
Install Your Own Copy of the SQL Server AdventureWorks2014 Database
SQL Server T-SQL Code to Generate A Normal Distribution
Populate Large Tables with Random Data for SQL Server Performance Testing
Test Driven Development with Modern Database Tools using tSQLt
Free Database Unit-Testing Framework for SQL Server
Free Database Unit-Testing for SQL Server Data Tools
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About the author
Arshad Ali is a SQL and BI Developer focusing on Data Warehousing projects for Microsoft.
View all my tips

Article Last Updated: 2010-12-16

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